Lejárt ORWOChrome UT21 & lejárt Ilford HP5+ 400. Personal projekt Pham Gyöngyivel önelfogadásának és növé válásának történetéröl, Artells magazin back cover publikált (történet a képek alatt).
"Innocent at seven, I learned to be kind, obedient and gentle, with voice undefined. As I grew older, I wore no makeup or skirts. Just simplicity and naturality. At twelve I was comparing myself, feeling incomplete. "Why are others prettier?" a voice would repeat. At sixteen, the struggles continued to grow. My body felt lacking, not fitting the show. No curves, just insecurities, my confidence was low. Hating my reflection...seeking self-acceptance, my heart deeply sighs. At twenty-four, as a woman I stand, navigating a world that doesn't seem planned. Discrimination's whispers, a lingering demand. Would my achievements be recognised and grand?" - Pham Ngoc Minh: Journeys to Self-Acceptance